It's always beneficial to have a camera at hand, even if it is your mobile device. You may not get a second chance to capture something cool to your eyes. I make a lot of photos with my Nexus 5. Using a mobile phone camera was how my passion for photography became unlocked. I've made quite a few photos with mobile phones; and I don't keep them all.
When I'm out and about without a digital camera, such as my Nikon D5100, I will have the stock camera app open on my phone. So I'm ready if something or someone catches my eye. Sometimes I go out on purpose to make photos with my phone camera. So I get no interruptions, I might turn my phone to airplane mode. That means no phone calls or text messages while I'm composing a shot.
There are photographers who down play photos made with a phone camera as being real photography. Whatever. I believe those guys just want to hear themselves talk about an opinion. None the less, I encourage you to go out and make a lot of photos with your phone camera and have fun doing it. Choose one photo app and stick with that one.
Mark Gaw Street Photography Blog
In Concert
Sitting at my desk sorting through photographs I made of the band Jackyl, I am inspired to become a concert photographer. This would be alongside street photography. I enjoy attending concerts. Usually I sneak in my point and shoot camera to make some photos. Or I use my mobile phone.
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Go Light
When I hit the streets to make photos I go lightweight. This means I don't carry a lot of camera equipment with me. That can be bothersome with street photography, and you may miss a good photo opportunity if your busy changing lenses. Typically what I carry with me on a photo walk is one camera, one lens, extra battery, lens pen and a camera shoulder strap. If I'm shooting film, I do carry fresh rolls of film. The small items fit into my pants pockets nicely. So I find no need for a camera bag of any kind. Simplify your photo walks and carry only what you need.
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Be Prepared
When I began my adventures with photography, I read many photography blogs. One of the common recommendations from photographers I found to be solid is to always have a camera ready. This is especially true with street photography. Many surprise opportunities have come my way and I did not have a camera handy to make the shot. Not even my mobile phone was at the ready.
Now I work to pay attention to having one of my cameras ready whenever I'm out and about. It's not always convenient to carry around my Nikon D5100. If I'm using that camera it's for a planned photo walk. The cameras I have handy most of the time are my Canon S100 point and shoot and my Nexus 5 mobile phone. Those cameras are more convenient than the larger camera and they fit well into my pants pockets.
The photo here was a scene I walked upon in Savannah, GA. I had my Canon S100 handy this day. Many times I have come up to people making photos of others. It's a freebie where I don't have to ask if I can make a photo of someone. Just take the shot.
When you're out and about, have a camera ready. You never know what will come your way.
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Now I work to pay attention to having one of my cameras ready whenever I'm out and about. It's not always convenient to carry around my Nikon D5100. If I'm using that camera it's for a planned photo walk. The cameras I have handy most of the time are my Canon S100 point and shoot and my Nexus 5 mobile phone. Those cameras are more convenient than the larger camera and they fit well into my pants pockets.
The photo here was a scene I walked upon in Savannah, GA. I had my Canon S100 handy this day. Many times I have come up to people making photos of others. It's a freebie where I don't have to ask if I can make a photo of someone. Just take the shot.
When you're out and about, have a camera ready. You never know what will come your way.
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What I've Learned About Photography
I'm not a fan of lists. Such as, 50 ways to this or 10 ways to that. You're not going to get a list of things that I've learned about photography. This will look like a list, but it isn't. Now, smile and read on.
One of the most important things I've learned about photography is, I make photos for myself and no one else. Making photos for yourself comes from the heart. I believe I make my best photos when I keep this mindset. If you are mindful of what people will think of a photo you make, it will never be good enough. It's good enough if you like the scene you capture.
I once read a quote from a photographer who stated one does not "take" photos. One "makes" photos. I believe this is correct.
The camera you know how to use is the best camera for you. I believe it is important to keep your equipment simple. So don't crazy with buying a bunch of stuff that becomes clutter.
If something looks good to you, shoot it and then share it with the world. I believe sharing your best shots is a good thing.
Attending photography courses or going to photography school may be a waste of valuable time and money. If you want to learn about photography, go out and make photos. Make a lot of photos. There more you shoot the more you learn. There are plenty of resources online one can access to learn from other photographers. Read photography blogs.
Zoom with your feet.
I'll close with this quote... "Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph." - Matt Hardy
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One of the most important things I've learned about photography is, I make photos for myself and no one else. Making photos for yourself comes from the heart. I believe I make my best photos when I keep this mindset. If you are mindful of what people will think of a photo you make, it will never be good enough. It's good enough if you like the scene you capture.
I once read a quote from a photographer who stated one does not "take" photos. One "makes" photos. I believe this is correct.
The camera you know how to use is the best camera for you. I believe it is important to keep your equipment simple. So don't crazy with buying a bunch of stuff that becomes clutter.
If something looks good to you, shoot it and then share it with the world. I believe sharing your best shots is a good thing.
Attending photography courses or going to photography school may be a waste of valuable time and money. If you want to learn about photography, go out and make photos. Make a lot of photos. There more you shoot the more you learn. There are plenty of resources online one can access to learn from other photographers. Read photography blogs.
Zoom with your feet.
I'll close with this quote... "Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph." - Matt Hardy
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Street Photography... My Passion
Since owning my first iPhone, I've unlocked a passion for making photos. For the most part, mobile photography has been my focus. Along with mobile photography, I now shoot digital and film. I do not consider myself to be a professional, but I am beyond being an amateur photographer.
I have traveled a lot in my lifetime. Most of the travel has been for work and the rest for pleasure. Of the cities I have visited most often and vacationed in, I have created galleries displaying photos I've made you can find at the link below. You'll notice the genre of photography that interests me the most is street photography.
When I first began using a digital camera I thought my interest would be in landscapes, flowers and macro photography. It did not take long before I found my heart was into capturing the beauty of people and scenes in cities. I also enjoy making photos of things vintage, rusted and abandoned.
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I have traveled a lot in my lifetime. Most of the travel has been for work and the rest for pleasure. Of the cities I have visited most often and vacationed in, I have created galleries displaying photos I've made you can find at the link below. You'll notice the genre of photography that interests me the most is street photography.
When I first began using a digital camera I thought my interest would be in landscapes, flowers and macro photography. It did not take long before I found my heart was into capturing the beauty of people and scenes in cities. I also enjoy making photos of things vintage, rusted and abandoned.
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